The Embrace Podcast

Join us in some of our most juicy conversations about how Surrogate Partner Therapy really works. We bust myths, answer tough questions, and share real live case studies from our professional experiences in the work of SPT.

We’re so glad you’re here!

… and as you could guess, consent is supremely important to us. We have made a thoughtful decision to share these intimate discussions and stories with other professionals and not the general public. While no identifying information is shared regarding our clients, we are choosing to keep these episodes off of the broader internet as an added layer of emotional protection. Please respect us and the very personal journeys of our clients by respecting our boundary around this. Want to share our podcast with another professional? Please direct them to join our mailing list, too.

Thank you!


Apr 2022

Jeannie Miller, Brian Gibney, Lou Sanfillipo, and Michelle Renee introduce themselves and why they got into the work.

The Triadic Model - What, Why, How

Aug 2022

Jeannie Miller, Brian Gibney, Lou Sanfillipo, and Michelle Renee discuss the triadic model in Surrogate Partner Therapy. What is it? How does it work? Why is it essential?

To Sex or Not to Sex

Sept 2022

Join us for a deeper dive into the role of sexual contact in Surrogate Partner Therapy. When is sex therapeutically indicated and when is it not? We’ll start with a discussion and then share personal experiences that are examples of each.

What to Expect When Working with a Surrogate Partner

What to Expect When Working with a Surrogate Partner (I didn’t expect to read about blowjobs)

Nov 2022

In this episode Brian, Lou, and Michelle, all surrogate partners and co-founders of Embrace, talk about what to expect when working with a surrogate partner, including details about erotic contact.

Who Are Our Clients? When Might Surrogate Partner Therapy Not Be a Good Fit?

Dec 2022

In this episode, Jeannie, Brian, Lou, and Michelle, all surrogate partners and co-founders of Embrace, talk about who makes for a good client for Surrogate Partner Therapy and who might not be a good fit.